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Now Trucks, Wagons and HGVs Can Benefit from Cheap Insurance

Your HGV isn’t just a form of transport; it’s also your livelihood. For this reason, getting the correct insurance policy at the right price is vital. Whether you’re an owner-operator or have a fleet of wagons which need insurance, there’s always the opportunity to save on your premium price. Read on for ways to make sure the quotes you receive are always competitive.

Use a Specialist Broker

Because there are so many different factors to consider when calculating a cover quote for a lorry, generic Price Comparison Sites are of limited use. Information on vehicle use, weight, travel patterns and cargo can all significantly affect your premium. The set of circumstances which surround each truck is unique, so a specialist company is needed that has the correct experience to find you the high-quality cover required. A company operating in this niche market will know the right questions to ask in order to gain the data most likely to get you a discount.

Don’t Skimp on Cover

Unlike a private car, where the implications in the event of a crash are no greater than the inconvenience of having to take the bus to work for a week or so, an accident involving your Scania or DAF is going to bring your business to a complete standstill unless you’ve got replacement vehicle cover. An uninsured cargo, particularly one that’s refrigerated or hazardous, can cause enormous problems. If you normally operate in the UK but have been given the chance to earn extra cash by freighting abroad, does your cover extend to EU roads? For operators who may only need cover for some aspects of their business occasionally, using a short-term policy can be more economical.

Reduce Your Risk

In the same way as any other type of vehicle premium, getting a cheaper quote is dependent on presenting yourself as low risk. The security of your Volvo or Quest is critical, so invest in as many anti-theft devices as your budget permits and consider the safety of your overnight parking between jobs. If possible, limit the drivers of your truck to older motorists with a clean driving licence. Ensure everyone using your vehicle is appropriately trained in specialist aspects of driving appropriately with the freight you carry (hazardous waste, a perishable cargo or an extra-wide load require expert handling and if an untrained driver gets it wrong your cover may not be valid).

Review Your Circumstances Periodically

In contrast to a standard motoring policy, companies in the haulage business need to check their cover more frequently than once a year to ensure it’s still valid for current commercial activity. New contracts, different cargos, a change in driving patterns or employing a new driver can all mean your policy requires revision. It is crucial to inform your broker of any change in circumstances promptly, as failure to do so can mean your claim won’t be recognised. If you are considering branching out into a new activity, perhaps incorporating international haulage or requiring a different type of policy, a review gives you the opportunity to get revised quotes which can help inform your decision on whether to go ahead or not.

From flat beds to tankers, skip carriers and everything in between, lorry drivers and owners need bespoke cover which is tailored to the individual needs of their company. With so many specialist insurers online now, why not get in touch with them and find out how they can help?

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